When did I first recognize the symptoms of PD ?  The first time it hit me was now 4 years ago when I noticed that my right arm did not swing when walking and my right foot would turn in almost like a cramp however, I now recognize some very early signs. Periodic shaking during the day especially in the mornings my hands would shake badly when putting on makeup….I would think ” my goodness I only had one glass of wine last night”.  Public speaking has never been an issue, I began to wonder why my voice would change, it began to be quieter, grainy and a very slight drool out the corner of my mouth, my sentences also began to be interrupted with breaks of mid sentence freezes.I went through a time period that I declined a few presentations and became apprehensive about business presentations or any type of public speaking. Bronwyn told me the other day that my right foot has “moved..a tapping motion” for years.

This disease has sneaked up on me for years. It is now my New Normal, I certainly don’t embrace it, I dislike the fact that like this very moment my entire body is in motion. I have embraced the fact that it is my New Normal, I do not allow it to hold me back in doing and enjoying  all the things I have always done, I just do them with more passion and fury now….I enjoy every moment of my New Normal?

Thank you Lee for helping me recognize my life has not changed its just as you called it….My New Normal. Those simple words gave me my confidence back to climb all sorts of different mountains.

My new normal.

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